The PEACOCK Abaya - party / wedding

Styling, hair, makeup and project coordination by yours truly.
Peacock dress - Shomaila Maurer Emirates Fashionista Zafirah Fashion.jpg

The Peacock Abaya

My new collaboration with Dubai based designer Yuliya Safonova.

The peacock abaya is a part of collection called “4 elements “ done by Yuliya Safonova @zafirah_fashion.
The collection is inspired by earth and its energies. Feather was representing the element of air.

Brilliant photography by my amazing friend Lorena De La Torre
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Free Size

The work took three weeks and cost around $3,000. This abaya is free size and can be worn for special events to catch all the eyes and attention!

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Pure Silk

This abaya is made of pure abaya silk, all embroidery work is done by hands, that was special order to professionals from @sifashiongalerie , who did it flawlessly.

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